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02 May

Friday 31 May - OES & ECCE Learning Event, 'Inspiring P...

The Office of Education Standards and the Early Childhood Care and Education Unit present 'Inspiring Progress, Raising Standards' on Friday 31 May

01 Mar

September 2022 Full inspections begin again.

Full Inspections of Early Years and Schools run from Sept 2022 until December 2022.

01 Feb

January 2022 Early Years inspection framework developme...

The development of a bespoke inspection framework for early childhood development begins in January 2022 and runs until mid 2023.

01 Jan

2022 Thematic Visits

Schools had a Thematic Visit looking at how they had been led during the pandemic and how wellbeing and safety are handled.

27 Oct

June 2022 Cayman Associate Inspector Training

The OES is scheduled to run another Cayman Associate Inspector training in June 2022